Free From Addictions, Guilt and Condemnation Notes

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Free From Addictions, Guilt and Condemnation

Opening prayer:

Praise and Worship:  10 minutes:

Testimonies: 5 minutes

Review: Free From Addictions, Guilt and Condemnation

The key to getting free from addictions, guilt and condemnation is to realize that all of your mistakes were already punished on the cross.  Every time we fail, we need to remind ourselves that God justifies the ungodly.   All of our sins, mistakes, shame and guilt were completely washed away by the blood of Christ Jesus.  If you still feel guilty after making a mistake, you will begin to feel depressed, stressed and ultimately your physical health will begin to deteriorate.  The reason for this is that we often times base our righteousness on our ability to follow the law.  The truth is that our righteousness is a gift from God.  In the middle of your mistakes, you need to remind yourself that you are still righteous, loved and favored.

In 2 Corinthians 3:6-9, Apostle Paul explains that the Old Testament of the law brings death and condemnation.  The New Testament reminds us of our righteousness, apart from the law.  We are forever righteous, loved and favored because of Jesus’ work on the cross.  Every mistake has already been placed on the cross.  Since our Father punished Jesus for our mistakes, He will never, ever again punish us for the same mistake.  That would make God an unjust God.

In Romans 6:6-7, Apostle Paul explains that our old man was crucified with Christ.  If you have already died, you are no longer a slave to sin.  The enemy will whisper to you and remind you of your mistakes.  He will try to convince you that you no longer deserve to be blessed.   The enemy doesn’t want you to know that all of those mistakes were already punished on the cross.  The part of you that sinned has already died.  A dead slave no longer listens to his master. In Romans 6:14-18, Paul tells you that you don’t have to submit yourself to your old slave owner named sin.  This does not mean you will never make a mistake.  What it means is that even though you made a mistake, you have been freed from the penalty, guilt and shame of your old slave owner called sin.  Your new owner is named righteousness.  God desires for you to know that even when you have made a mistake, you are still righteous.  There is nothing you could ever do to free yourself from the righteousness, love and favor of God.  Sin no longer owns you; righteousness owns you.

God desires for you to know that if you are struggling with addictions, guilt, and condemnation, that God is no longer angry with you and withholding blessings from you.  You need to start reminding yourself that you are no longer under the law; you are owned by grace. You are righteous despite your mistakes.  You are no longer guilty.  All of your sins have already been punished on the cross.  See yourself as righteous, loved and unconditionally blessed.  This will free you from the condemnation of “not being a good enough Christian.”  When you know that you are forever righteous despite your mistakes, addictions, depression, guilt and shame will fade away.  Instead of condemnation from the law, you will begin to experience the freedom and life that Jesus purchased for you on the cross.  Praise God!

Prayer:  10 Minutes: 

If there is any situation in your life that needs prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to pray through you for that situation.  The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us according to the will of God.  It is the perfect prayer and is always answered!


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Share God’s goodness together. 

Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  Amen


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