Jesus – Our Rest and Jubilee

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Freedom Ministries Fellowship Notes

Jesus – Our Rest and Jubilee

Opening prayer:

Praise and Worship:  10 minutes:

Testimonies: 5 minutes

Review:  Jesus – Our Rest and Jubilee

Hebrews 10 explains the Law was a shadow of good things to come, but not the real thing.  Hebrews 11:1 explains that faith, or belief that Jesus has done all of the things in the law, is the real thing that was hoped for.  So we can see some of the amazing things Jesus has done for us by studying the Old Testament.    Leviticus 25 talks about the Sabbath rest and year of jubilee.  Leviticus 25:10 says, And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family.”  On the Day of Atonement, a ram’s horn would be blown and everyone’s debts would be completely paid off.  If someone had become a slave and was working to pay off their debts, they were cleared and were returned back to their family.  In addition, all of their inheritance was given back to them.  This was a great day of celebration for the Jewish people.  Remember, this was a shadow of the good things to come.  The real thing we can enjoy today is what Jesus has done for us.

A ram’s horn comes from a male lamb.  Of course the real male lamb is Christ Jesus.  When Jesus cried out, “It is finished!” in John 19:30, He was proclaiming the real rest and jubilee for everyone that believes in Him.  So what does that mean for every believer today?  Because Jesus was sacrificed on the cross, not only were all our sins forgiven, we can start believing God that all of our financial debts will be cleared as well.  We were also restored back as a son and heir in God’s family.  We are joint-heirs with Christ Jesus.  All of our inheritance that Adam lost was now restored back to us.

Rest and jubilee are no longer a day or year.  Every day is a day of rest and Jubilee for believers.  Being at rest and enjoying the jubilee is believing that Jesus has accomplished all of these things in the Old Testament for us. The shadows in the Old Testament are now a reality for every believer.  We don’t need to strive, pray or struggle to get God to move for us.  He doesn’t want us to rely on our religious works.  He wants us to rely on Jesus’ finished work. He wants us to rest in Jesus.  So when trials come up in our lives, we can simply go to our loving Father and thank Him that this was taken care of by Him.  Every thing was finished on the cross.  We can rest in the fact that God will provide for us, He will heal us, all of our debts are paid, and He is supernaturally protecting us.  We can stay in rest and enjoy His supernatural flow of provision.  So if any of your inheritance appears to be lost, you can simply go the Father and say, “Father, I’m giving this care to you.  I’m trusting in you that this challenge has already been taken care of by Jesus’ work on the cross.”  Jesus truly is our rest and jubilee!  Praise God!

Prayer:  10 Minutes: 

If there is any situation in your life that needs prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to pray through you for that situation.  The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us according to the will of God.  It is the perfect prayer and is always answered!


All services are streamed live and archived at  If you desire to help us share the true gospel of Jesus and fund projects that impact lives, consider registering at  Let’s show the world that God truly does change everything!

Share God’s goodness together. 

Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  Amen


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