Signs and Wonders December 2012

December Signs and Wonders 2012

I had a slow-growing tumor on the right side of my back (between my shoulder blades) for several years. All the doctors told me it was a benign lipoma. It began to grow bigger. Within two weeks of noticing that, another tumor came up on the right side of my rib cage. An ultrasound showed the new one to likely be the lipoma, but the older one could not be characterized. Instead of doing a biopsy, I pushed for a surgical referral.  After months of back and forth with Veterans Administration doctors, they just could not make a decision, yet the tumors got bigger. I asked to be anointed and to be prayed for at the House Fellowship. After that, two things immediately followed. First, a decision to do the surgery was reached (a miracle in itself). Second, when I went for surgery, the newer tumor had completely disappeared! It was just gone! They had two doctors look for and it, neither could find it. Then, the one they removed was benign in appearance. I know it will be benign on the pathology report too because nothing is stronger than the power of God Himself! My fellow believers prayed and the prayers were answered! I give all glory to God!

Divine Healing
When I was in high school I started experiencing frequent and random fainting spells. I visited a dozen different specialists and had dozens of tests done, all of which left me with no answers. In 2006 my cardiologist attributed my condition to a heart deformity and I underwent surgery to correct it. Convinced that the problem was taken care of, I was devastated when I started blacking out again a couple months later. At this point, my doctors completely wrote me off, telling me that they couldn’t explain my situation, and that one day I might just “Grow out of it”. Until last week, this situation has had complete control over my life. Then, last week, for the first time in months, I had an episode. I woke up in the middle of the night to feed my baby and in the hallway, I fell to the floor. In a daze, I remember thinking “This can’t happen, I AM healed!”. All of a sudden I felt fine. The next night , I again woke up to feed my baby and started feeling really dizzy. This time I just started laughing. I found the thought of the enemy trying to hold this over my head any longer, hilarious! I kept walking, and laughing, and all symptoms went away. This curse, and the enemy are under my feet! Thank you Father!

Divine Marriage Restoration
I received a call from my father earlier in the year 2012. He told me his wife had divorced him and moved out. Over the course of about eight months he pursued her, trying to restore the relationship. At the end of eight months she finally said never contact me again. I don’t want you to call me, write me and I never want to see you again. It looked hopeless, but Jesus’ name is above every name including divorce! Days after she said never contact me again, dad came here to Colorado and told pastor Mike “I need a miracle”. We serve a miracle working God and it is never hopeless because He is our hope! Pastor Mike prayed over the situation, days later her heart was returned to her husband. A week later they were remarried and have never been so in love. They are completely new people totally renewed and restored! Hallelujah!

Job Divinely Supplied
I have a miracle Job! I was given an adjunct faculty position, despite many oppositions! I give all praise and glory to GOD!

Supernatural Debt Cancellation
To God be the glory! I’ve been working with my mortgage companies for two years to modify my first and second loans and haven’t made much progress. The last couple of weeks I’ve been resting in Jesus’s unmerited favor and love according to Pastor Mike’s teaching. Last week, the modification on the first loan was suddenly approved and then this week I received a letter from the company about my second mortgage. They decided, on their own, to cancel the entire amount of over 69k and I owe them nothing. Thank you Jesus!

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