The Simplicity of Faith

The Simplicity of Faith

Freedom Ministries Satellite Fellowship

The Simplicity of Faith

Opening prayer:

Praise and Worship:  10 minutes:

Testimonies: 5 minutes

Review:  The Simplicity of Faith

There has been a lot of confusion in the body of Christ concerning faith. Most of the confusion comes from the fact that people have taken scripture out of context.  You need to know that you already have faith and are a believer the minute you hear about Jesus and accept Him as your savior.  If you believe in Jesus, you have faith.  There is no longer any need to struggle for something you already have.   People have made faith a work.  That simply means people are teaching other Christians they need to “build” or “mature in their faith.”  As soon as the focus is on man, it has become a work.  As soon as you look to yourself, instead of Jesus, you will doubt yourself and begin to ask, “Do I have enough faith.”


Let’s look at some scriptures in which Jesus talks about “little faith.”  (Matt 8:26, Matt 16:8, Luke 12:28 and Mark 9:19 and Mark 11:23).  Do you notice anything similar in these scriptures?  Jesus was talking to Jews under the law.  They were not men of faith.  When In Luke 17:5 when the Apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith, Jesus simply said, “all you need is a mustard seed.”  There is no need to increase anything.  The smallest amount of faith in Jesus works.  He was telling them if they believed in Him, not having faith in their own faith, they were limitless.  They could speak to the tree, move mountains, etc.  In the book of John, the word believe appears about 100 times.  The word “faith” appears 2-3 times.  Why is that?  Jesus was telling the Jews to believe in Him.  If they simply believed in Jesus, they would have great faith.  They would become men of faith if they believed in Him.  The only time Jesus talked about “great faith” was to two gentiles.   They simply believed in Jesus.  They didn’t pray, fast, meditate, mature, or build or confess.  A mustard seed of faith in Jesus IS GREAT FAITH.


Now lets look at Paul’s epistles.  Paul was sent to the Gentiles.  Nowhere in the epistles did Paul tell believers to believe or have faith.  Do you know why?  If you believed the gospel of Christ and accepted Him as your savior, you have faith and have become a believer.  It took faith to enter the Kingdom of God, but now you have all of the rights of a son.  His name is yours with all His authority.  His ability is yours.  He has already freely given you all things (including a mustard seed of faith.)    He has already blessed you with every spiritual blessing.  If He has already given you all things and blessed you with every spiritual blessing, and already made every promise “yes and amen” what is the challenge?


The challenge is that we have made faith a work.  We have been telling man to “increase their faith.”  That means we have been telling man to have faith in his own faith.  Are we to have faith?  Absolutely, positively, yes!  Our faith is in Jesus.   Now you have great faith.  You are a believer and nothing is impossible to you.    He has “freely” given you all things.  Praise Jesus!!!!

Prayer 1:  10 Minutes: 

If there is any situation in your life that needs prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to pray through you for that situation.  The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us according to the will of God.  It is the perfect prayer and is always answered!

Offering:  5 minutes (Share one scripture and then take the offering.) 


All services are streamed live and archived at

Share God’s goodness together. 

Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  Amen


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