Let His Love Burn Up the Images of an “Angry God” and Enjoy The Inheritance of a Loving Father

Freedom Ministries Media
March 8, 2020

Let His Love Burn Up the Images of an “Angry God” and Enjoy The Inheritance of a Loving Father

What do we do with all the “angry god” stories, destruction and the seemingly unloving and merciless God we see in Old Testament stories?

God is love, light and a consuming fire.  He came to give us life, and life more abundantly.

All the destruction, “anger” and “hatred” is for anything that would keep you from perfect love and the beautiful inheritance He has provided as a loving Father.   Let His consuming fire of love burn up everything that says God is not love and consume all guilt, shame, fear and feelings of unworthiness.

You are a perfectly loved son/daughter.  Don’t let reason or whether you are deserving or not rob you from your inheritance and what the Father has freely provided.   The spiritual or younger son has dominion over the older physical.

Faith comes naturally when you understand the Father’s love.  You have faith when you realize any picture you create and emotionalize gets planted in your subconscious or heart.

And The Father sees what you do within and brings it to pass like the miraculous power of a seed planted in the earth.

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