The Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God

May 9, 2020

The Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God

The Secret of the Kingdom of God and the parable of parables point us back to your original design. You are a loved and valuable Son/Daughter of The Father, with access to the royal reign of the Kingdom which is in the hearts and minds of man. Romans 8 tells us this glorious liberty of the Sons of God happens when our sonship is unveiled. We no longer have a spirit of fear (a belief of slavery and of an angry god), but a Spirit of Sonship, in which we can say “Abba Father.”

So, with all of the uncertainty, fear and news of economic collapse – you can be free from all of it when you know that are a Son of a loving Father that has already provided everything you will ever need for life and godliness. He has given you the Keys to the Kingdom. You can sit down right now and begin to shape and fashion your external circumstances like a potter shapes the earth. He has already given you an unlimited supply of emotional health, physical health and financial supply.

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