The Secret Of The Kingdom of God Revealed in Genesis 1:1

Freedom Ministries Media
February 1, 2020

The Secret Of The Kingdom of God Revealed in Genesis 1:1

If you were writing a book and wanted to get the main idea across, where would you write the main idea?

If you were a parent and wanted to teach your kids the most important thing about life, wouldn’t you tell them?

Jesus gives us the secret of Kingdom.  He also teaches them how to pray and how the Kingdom works.

We are creative beings and sons/daughters of The Father.

Believing “in” Jesus and praying “in” the name (surname), is understanding that you are in Union.  Greater works will you do when you believe “in” Him.

The observer effect, quantum physics tells us that what you expect to happen focus on (meditate and believe) will happen.  If you desire your life to change, change your focus within.  This is the Kingdom of God, this is Yahweh Saves or Yeshua within.  This is true prayer.