Cast Your Care Upon Christ and Live In Freedom

Freedom Ministries Media
June 21, 2020

Cast Your Care Upon Christ and Live In Freedom

All through the scriptures we see prophetic pictures of the two trees, two sons, two minds, two nations, two lands…It is really learning to live out of your true identity in Christ versus the carnal mind, or the cast down mind.

In Christ, our true identity in Spirit, there is only perfection and infinite possibilities…perfect love, completion, overflowing life and joy.

Jesus tells us, “Take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

1 Peter 5:7  “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for ”

Casting your care and living free shows us the heart, or Christ within, is the unlimited power of God that takes care of your burdens.

 We are not designed to carry a burden, which are adverse conditions and thoughts, which come from wrong beliefs in our heart.

When we cast our burden upon Christ within, the adverse conditions are dissolved, and we are free to live in our true identity, perfect love, harmony, joy, abundance and health.

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