You Are Appointed By God To Serve As A Prophet, Priest and King

Freedom Ministries Media
June 14, 2020

You Are Appointed By God To Serve As A Prophet, Priest and King

You are divinely authorized to serve as a prophet, priest or king.  This is Christ in you!  You don’t need more knowledge, more scriptures, or to  debate theology.  While others are arguing and fretting, you choose a beautiful desire for yourself or others.  (clear intention)

What would the feeling be like if you already were the person or already had the desire you were praying about?  (elevated emotion – gratitude is the fastest way to experience answered prayer)  – your heart is the pure, raw power of God.  It carries out what you consistently choose and feel.

If you are frustrated, you are ”hoping” it happens and then peak to see if it happened.  When you feel the feeling as if it already happened, your heart is persuaded, which is faith.

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